In a deadly and rampant Special Operation, troops of Operation Hadin Kai in collaboration with Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) stormed the hideout of ISWAP in Dikwa Local Government Area of Borno State, killing 41 of the terrorists including a Commander, Abu Zahra while others flee for their lives.
An Intelligence Sources told Zagazola Makama that the troops eliminated the terrorists in a silent intelligence-led midnight Offensive, Coordinated by Maj. Gen. Shaibu Waidi, the General Officer Commanding 7 Division and Commander Sector 1, in Mukdolo, GUPDILO and Bone villages, located between Dikwa, Ngala and Mafa.
The raid followed attacks in the past days, believed to be by the Islamist sect, which killed 36 fishermen in GUPDILO while returning from Mukdolo under Ngala Local Government bordering Dikwa village on March 10 2023.
The armed terrorists headed by Abu Darda and Abu Muhammed, also stormed Mafa town in the early morning hours of March 19th, a few hours after the elections, but the attack was thwarted by the troops, resulting in the killing of scores of the terrorists and recovery of two of their guntrucks.
Consequently upon the major offensive, military equipment including One guntruck, three Dushka, motorcycles and several other weapons were recovered from the bursted terrorists base.
The terrorist Commander, (Amir Jaysh) Abu Mohammed, in company of few fighters reportedly fled in disarray due to the superior fire power from the soldiers, thus abandoning their properties worth millions of Naira in the terrorists’ house which were destroyed by the troops.
Source: Zagazola Makama
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